Did you know that many STDs don’t cause any symptoms? This is a very common way for STDs to get passed on from person to person. People who are sexually active do not notice anything “strange” happening to their bodies so they assume that everything is fine. Unfortunately, that is not always the case! Most STDs can be easily cured, however if left untreated for long periods of time there can be serious consequences and harmful effects on your body. The only way you can know for sure if you have an STD is by getting yourself tested. Not sure where to go? Use our Clinic Finder which can help you find the nearest clinic in your area.
The absolute best way to avoid any chance of getting an STD is abstinence. However, there are still other options. Being open and talking to your partner about the both of you going and getting tested before having sex can also be a great way to protect yourself from STDs. TeenSource also offers free condoms to California teens through our Condom Access Project, so there should be nothing stopping you from keeping yourself STD free this Holiday season!