By Jose
Everyone who has had sex, or come close to having sex, has thought about whether or not to use a condom. It should be obvious what the answer is, ESPECIALLY when it comes to avoiding STDs and unwanted pregnancies. It doesn't matter your gender or how sexually experienced you are, condoms are important!
I know the feeling of not wanting to sound lame for asking your partner to stop and wrap it up (or for stopping in the heat of the moment to wrap it up yourself), but it is completely necessary to talk about safe sex and using condoms! Being “cool” won't feel so cool if your sexual encounter results in an unintended pregnancy or an STD. And condoms are the only birth control method that also protects against STDs.
You’ll actually look cool if you show your partner that you care enough about him/her to want to be safe. Talk with your partner and let them know! If you are not sure how to initiate the conversation, check out our Healthy Relationships page for some helpful hints. You can also find a clinic near you and even get free condoms. Remember, be safe, not sorry!