We’ve all heard things like “everyone is different” or “you are great the way you are!” but did you know, this goes for ALL your body parts too? This includes penises, vulvas, vaginas, and breasts! They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. They may also be different on one side from the other. All of this is NORMAL!
Some people are born with a penis. All penises have a glans (head of the penis), a shaft, and a scrotum (balls). Even with all of these same parts, different penises can look very different. They come in a wide range of lengths and widths. Some are uncircumcised and still have foreskin and others are circumcised and do not have foreskin. They may be different in color and shape. Some lean to one direction or another. Other people are born with a vagina and vulva. The vulva is the outside of a vagina. Vulvas can look very different but all have the same basic parts- labia, clitoris, urethral opening, vaginal opening, and the mons pubis. All of these parts of the vulva can be different in size and shape. The inner labia, or lips of the vagina, may stick out of the outer labia, or they may not. Often both sides of the labia do not match each other. Penises and vulvas typically have pubic hair on them. The amount, color, and texture of the hair will be different for everyone. This hair may not match the hair on other parts of a person’s body. Some people choose to remove the hair or trim it. There is no right or wrong way to go. Breasts also come in different shapes and sizes. Some people have bigger areola, the part around the nipple, and it may be darker or lighter. Breasts often do not match each other. It is very common for one breast to be larger or smaller than the other one.
What we hear in the media and what people say about themselves and others can lead to self-doubt or insecurities. But remember, comparisons and talk based on misinformation don’t reflect what is real. Bigger is not always better. There is no such thing as perfect.
Check out this video from Planned Parenthood that lays this all out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9tFk835vjo
The important thing is to know, is what your body looks and feels like normally. Get comfortable with your own body. Our bodies will change throughout our life but if something seems different then what is normal for you, it may be time to talk to a doctor. Find a clinic near you!