Happy New Year!
Even if you are not into resolutions or if you make them and never keep them, we encourage you to think about ways to take care of yourself in 2023. Maybe it’s a resolution, maybe it’s a mantra, and maybe you just remember to add one of these to your to-do list. No matter how you celebrate the New Year, here are some of our suggestions on how to focus on taking care of YOU:
Focus on Self Care:
It is pretty cliché to think of losing weight or working out as New Year’s Resolutions but what if we reframe the idea of being healthy to taking care of yourself and your mental health! For some people that may mean working out because it can be a great way to reduce stress but for others it might be taking a few moments to meditate or write in a journal. It might mean practicing saying no to things that you don’t want to do or don’t have time for, this is a great way to practice consent. It might mean making time for fun. No matter what you do to take care of yourself, consider making those things part of your resolutions!
Visit a Clinic:
Make it a goal of 2023 to visit a clinic either in person or virtually! Clinics provide FREE, CONFIDENTIAL, NON JUDGMENTAL services like STI testing, birth control, and emergency contraception. Many clinics offer telehealth, or virtual appointments, for certain services which can be easier for some people. Call your local clinic and find out your options. Find a clinic near you to take advantage of all of these great services! Feeling a little nervous about visiting a clinic? Check out our tips!
Start a Conversation:
There are many important people to talk to about your sexual and reproductive health- like friends, partners, and parents or other trusted adults. Choose one and make it a goal to start a conversation with them! It may sound scary but we have some tips to get you started. You might be surprised at how much you can learn by having these important conversations.
Be Prepared:
Whether or not you have had sex, think about what you need to do to be prepared. Find free condoms and have them on hand for if you or a friend needs them. Consider if you would like to start birth control or get emergency contraception to have on hand in case you need it. If you have had sex before, consider getting tested for STIs at a clinic near you. Knowing you have taken steps to be prepared, will help you be more confident if/when you choose to have sex in the future.
Know Your Rights:
You have many rights as a Teen in California like access to sexual health education and being able to visit a clinic without a parent or adult. Learn about your rights so you can take advantage of them if you need to.
We are looking forward to an awesome 2023!