Part of taking care of yourself is taking care of your sexual health. Talk to a clinician!

Hookup Tip by Armani

Sexual health is not merely the absence of STDs.  It’s a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being.  However, one way to accomplish better sexual health is to be STD-free.  Here are some great tips on how to take control of your sex life, improve your sexual health, and prevent STDs.

  1. Abstinence is always an option and the most reliable way to avoid infection.  Abstinence also allows you to wait until you are physically and emotionally ready for sex.
  2. Vaccinate against HPV and Hepatitis B.—ask at your clinic about free/low cost vaccines.
  3. Mutual Monogamy is the practice of being sexually active with one individual.
  4. Reducing the number of sexual partners can decrease your risk for STDs.  With regular testing by both partners, as well as open and honest communication, the risk of STDs can decrease.
  5. Condoms are highly effective for reducing the transmission of STDs.
  6. Get tested!  It’s important to know your status before becoming sexually active with a new partner. 

Speaking to a clinician about your sexual health is also important! Find the clinic nearest to you to schedule an appointment to discuss improving your sexual health.

Hookup en Español! Cuidar de tu salud sexual es parte de cuidar de tu persona. Habla con un médico.

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