Starting the conversation: "Let's get tested" - What He Said

So my girl and I, we’re getting pretty serious. We’ve been together a while now and we’ve connected so much, physically and emotionally. I’ll admit, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.

What scares me is that I really don’t know much about her sexual history, and I’m sure she knows nothing about mine. It’s such an odd topic to bring up, but then again, shouldn’t we be talking about this kind of stuff? Especially since we’ve already started to be intimate…ahhh, I don’t know, I don’t want to weird her out or make it seem like I don’t trust her either. Really, I do, but it just seems too risky to not. I know that I’ve always used protection, and I’m pretty sure she has but who knows?

I really don’t think we should go about having sex, even with protection, without at least learning more about each other. Getting tested will protect both of us and allow us to enjoy our relationship even more without having these thoughts in the back of our mind, right? I did a little research last night and found out STDs usually have NO symptoms at all. I was a little shocked to hear that because I always thought you’d be able to feel an itch or something down there. The fact that any of us, including myself, my girlfriend, and any of our past partners, could be walking around and have no idea, is kind of a scary thought…

My friend Tony told me that getting tested is easier now than it ever has been. Some tests, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, just take a simple urine test. And HIV gives results within 20 minutes. Costs generally are low-cost, some places even free, and most accept health insurance…not doing too hot on the finance side, but I guess it can’t hurt to see how much they’ll cost – better remember to ask.

I think I’m going to ask her to go get tested with me. Hope it goes alright…better start looking for a nearby teen clinic.