Keeping it Simple

Sex is supposed to be fun, right? If you are stressing about STIs and pregnancy, it’s pretty hard to enjoy yourself. Wanna keep it simple? Three things to remember:

Birth Control: Take care of it early

Get your birth control method down. You don’t have to be having sex to get birth control, or even thinking about it yet. Go in to a teen clinic with friends, and talk to a doctor or nurse about what options are out there. That way, when you are ready for sex, you’ll be ready to prevent pregnancy. Birth control has actually gotten a LOT better in the past few years.

Get yourself tested: Know your STI status

Most sexually transmitted infections (STIs) don’t have symptoms. So just get tested! Once a year, or before a new partner, drop into your local clinic and ask for an STD screening. That way, even if you can’t pronounce what they tested you for, you do know you don’t have it!

Condoms: Every time, the whole time

I could go on for pages on the details of when/how/why people get STDs. The best way to handle it? Cover it up. Put on a condom before penetration, even with someone you love, and in addition to pills, patches, rings, and shots… prevent STDs and REALLY avoid pregnancy. 

What does really work when you are turned on and your brain is turned off? Tell us: how do you keep it simple?

California Condom Access Project for Free Condoms

Teens in California can order FREE condoms online from